Sometimes it’s enough just to keep up with emails and meetings, projects and deadlines. The result, of course, can be a desk that looks like it’s been overtaken by a particularly rambunctious toddler, with mounds of paper and files askew. Cause when it comes right down to it, what’s more important than a tidy desk is getting the job done, right?

Gateway to a lack of productivity.

Well, a messy desk can be a gateway to a lack of productivity, particularly if you’re looking for items that you need to refer to. So how can you maintain a desk that’s closer to zen without spending hours and hours getting there? Turns out, five minutes is all you need.

Devote just a few minutes every day to your desk, and you can reduce what’s even on the desk. You can keep it cleaner and eliminate a few germs. And you can lower your stress. This graphic explains how.