Come tax time do you struggle to find all your papers? If there were a family emergency would you be able to find your insurance cards and past medical history? We think we have everything we need, but do we have it all together? Life in Case is a tool to gather and organize all of those important papers. It goes beyond tax time and through your lifetime!

Organizing documents can be a challenge. What do you need? Where should you store it? Life in Case breaks it down into 5 categories and gives you a checklist of the important papers for each category. No more wondering if you need this or that. Life in Case has done the thinking for you.

The Categories and Checklist Examples


Birth Certificate

Copies of Passports

Military Documents


Copies of Recent Income Tax Returns

Copy of Stocks and Bonds

List of Cred Cards


Property Titles

List of Existing Mortgages

Loan or Lien Documents


Whom to notify in case of emergency

List of Physicians

Health History


List of Attorneys

Signed Copy of Will/Trusts

Copy of Life Insurance Policy

Many of us have our essential papers in various places within our filing system. With Life in Case you can keep your files all in one place. What’s even better is that Life in Case is portable. It can be taken anywhere and it is easy to grab if you have to evacuate your home. Life in Case has even partnered with MobiLogic to help you store all of those important documents in the cloud.

Having all of your essential papers in one place will take the stress off of your loved ones should something happen to you. Don’t leave your family searching for policies and proof of identity. Store it all in your Life in Case!

Need help getting all those papers together. Give me a call and we can start the process of getting to know each other and discussing your needs and goals. We can work together virtually or in person. Contact me for more information.

How It Works – LifeinCase™ Personal Document Storage Solution.