Tidy Your Time

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Productivity Planner Smackdown
Productivity Planner Smackdown

The three productivity planners we are about to delve into came to my attention as Facebook ads.  I get a lot of ads for planners and these three stood out to me.  I’ve had some time to play and now I am ready to break down all the features.  A note before we begin.  Paper planners are my back up and where I like jot down notes, new tasks, and map out projects.  Everything in my paper planner goes into a digital system.  Also,  my dislikes may be your likes and vice versa.  We all have our unique styles.  That’s why there are so many planners out there. EVO Planner This productivity planner hooked me right away.  EVO actually has four productivity planners that are suited to your specific brain type.  Your brain type is determined by taking the EVO planner quiz.  If you have been following along you might know that I love quizzes and games.  When  I took the quiz I learned my brain type is an Alchemist and it suits me just great.  When I glanced at the sample pages the Alchemist planner was the one I would have chosen.  The other three brain types are the […]

How to Shut Down Before a Breakdown
How to Shut Down Before a Breakdown

This past week was a challenge.  It was a great week but I had a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it.  Yesterday it all caught up with me and I was on the verge of losing my mind.  I was vibrating on all levels with a sense of desperation to have a break from the mega task list I was trying to get to-done.  What led me to the brink?  Lack of time and not taking time for my introverted self to spend some time alone gadget and distraction free.  My mind was racing and my nerves were on edge.  Yesterday, I had to turn off my computer on multiple occasions because the sound of the fan was grating on my last nerve and the light emitting from the screen kept calling for me to do something or pay attention.  I also put my phone on the charger in an effort to disconnect.  I needed some time to have no input coming in.  In this house finding, silence is hard.  I have a husband who loves the television, a boy who always has noise coming out of his pie hole, and dogs that need […]

When Anxiety Strikes

I used to live on a self-imposed anxious side. Then I attended a talk presented by Lisa Montanaro called “Crazy Busy is not a Badge of Honor.” She talked about setting your priorities and then planning your day around what those priorities are.  I stopped and realized that I was loading up my plate with what others needed from me instead of what I needed for myself. What made it harder was that I am incredibly calm under pressure and people thought I had it all together when on the inside I was panicking. I finally learned to not put too much on my plate because I detested the way I felt. When life won’t cooperate with my preferred serving size (LOL) I focus on one thing at a time and schedule extra mediation sessions to keep focused and grounded. Through meditation, I have learned to focus on the here and now and not all the other crap that is going on around me.  I’ve learned to focus. So let’s digest this.  The first thing you need to determine is how big your plate is.  How much time you have to devote to outside tasks for work, home, and self-care.  […]

Declutter Your Desk in 5 Minutes a Day
Declutter Your Desk in 5 Minutes a Day

Sometimes it’s enough just to keep up with emails and meetings, projects and deadlines. The result, of course, can be a desk that looks like it’s been overtaken by a particularly rambunctious toddler, with mounds of paper and files askew. Cause when it comes right down to it, what’s more important than a tidy desk is getting the job done, right? Gateway to a lack of productivity. Well, a messy desk can be a gateway to a lack of productivity, particularly if you’re looking for items that you need to refer to. So how can you maintain a desk that’s closer to zen without spending hours and hours getting there? Turns out, five minutes is all you need. Devote just a few minutes every day to your desk, and you can reduce what’s even on the desk. You can keep it cleaner and eliminate a few germs. And you can lower your stress. This graphic explains how. Declutter your desk in 5 minutes a dayInfographic by Quill

Discovering Your Priorities
Discovering Your Priorities

You have so much going on and you have lists for it all. You are working and working but the list keeps growing and growing. To add to the overwhelm you may have relationships where another person’s priorities affect your task list. (Insert Panic Attack) How do you balance it all? If you have culled your list and gotten rid of the unnecessary it’s time to look at your priorities. In this post, we will look at different ways to discover your priorities and how to combat the overwhelm. Are Priorities and Goals the Same Thing? First, let’s start with a couple of questions.  Are priorities and goals the same thing?  Which do you set first? Start with your priorities, what really matters to you, and build your goals from there.  Goals are the vehicle for living up to our priorities. If you having trouble deciding what exactly your priorities are, make a list!  Brain dump everything you think is important to you. We are talking general categories here and not tasks.  What sections of your life do you want to focus on?  Now, that you have your list pick the top 10, then the top five, then three, then […]


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