To succeed, your business needs to reach goals within your set deadlines. For instance, you need to sell a particular number of products, convince customers to support you, and market your services to increase revenue. These require efficiency and productivity, which...
Do you ever find yourself frozen in the middle of the day, overwhelmed with choices and unsure of which direction to take? You’re not alone! Even I, a seasoned Time Template and Productivity Specialist, have been there, armed with the best intentions to be...
Determine what your distractions are to avoid them. You just sat down to focus and were making progress when your phone started ringing. Whether you answer it or not, the damage has been done. You’ve been distracted, and now you need to try and get back into a...
Three full-proof methods for prioritizing! I think matching your goals to your values and needs is one way to stay on track and ensure you are working on what is most important. Matching your goals with your values and needs, it gives you something to hold your goals...
I’m going to turn this productivity hack on its head. You’ve probably heard of time blocking and how it is a game changer. I’ve said this myself, but quite a few clients have difficulty keeping up with the process. A new task comes in, and onto the calendar it goes....
When Anxiety StrikesProductivity Coaching and Digital OrganizingWhy Goal Setting Will Change Your LifeHomeLifeinCase™ Personal Document Storage Solution Do you struggle with knowing what to do next? Does it all feel urgent and important? What if I told you the key to...