One thing I don’t like doing is sorting mail. That is until I discovered the active file box. In this video, I walk you through what I have in my active file box and how to most effective use this system to tame the paper in your...
You’ve set the goal, where is the motivation? If it is the right goal at the right time, you may already feel motivated to complete the tasks necessary to reach it. If you are like me, you are so exhausted from visioning and setting the goals you need a break....
Master Your To-Do List We all have so much to do it can be overwhelming. Here are 6 strategies for keeping your sanity and master your to-do list. Keep a Master List If you don’t have a master list start one right now. Set a timer for 20 minutes and write...
The Set Up Back in September, I put a lot on my plate. I agreed to speak. At the NAPO National Conference in April and I agreed to chair our local Chapters Clear you Clutter Day (CYCD) event January. Sound doable right? It was until I realized that the deadline for...
My Love Affair with Wunderlist I’m having a bit of a love affair with Wunderlist. I was surprised I had never heard of it. Or maybe I had experimented before, and it didn‘t stand out. Once a friend of mine mentioned it and how much she loved it I had...
Do you play video games? My son does, and he uses Steam to download games to his computer. He has so many games at this point we needed to find a way to keep his Steam library neat and tidy. What is Steam? Steam is the most popular software...