Do you set goals? In The Art of Goal Setting, we talked about how to set a good goal that is personal and engaging to you. Setting an actionable goal is not enough. You have to write it down and review your goals on a regular basis. Achieving your goals is not a set-it-and-leave-it type of activity. It requires you to be actively engaged.
Setting an actionable goal is not enough. You have to write it down and review your goals on a regular basis.
Achieving your goals is not a set it and leave it type of activity. It requires you to be actively engaged. Why bother setting goals? Because goal setting will change your life.
Yes! You don’t have to set a life-changing goal in order for your life to be changed. Research shows that accomplishing small goals gives you the motivation to reach for those life-changing goals. It’s not motivation you need to achieve your goals. It is achieving the goals that gives you motivation. It is ok to start small and build up to the bigger life goals. Goal Setting is a process and you need to practice to get good at it.
My main life goal at the present is to complete a photography course. It’s self-paced, so I have to be disciplined, and it’s especially difficult during the cold weather. But I took advantage of milder temperatures last weekend to go out and shoot the photos for my current assignment, and tomorrow I plan to choose and edit the best ones so I can get them submitted. It definitely helps to break it into bite-sized pieces!
Breaking our larger goals into smaller chunks definitely helps us to reach our goals. I’m glad you had a break from the cold to get out there and shoot some pictures. I’m sure that accomplishment got you motivated for your next steps. Thanks so much for sharing.
Great post! I like when you mentioned accomplish small goals one will be more willing to accomplish larger goals. Good luck on on February 28th. I will pass on this to my followers. 🙂
Thank you, Sabrina. I loved learning that achieving the smaller goals motivates us for the bigger goals. It really helped put things in perspective for me. Thanks so much for sharing. I really appreciate it.
I love your message to start small. One of my personal goals this year is to incorporate strength training into my fitness routine. I’ve found these short 5-10 min weight videos on-line that I’ve been doing and I feel good that I’m working on this goal.
Sarah, one of my goals this year is to stick to an exercise program. I am battling the elliptical right now and getting back into my yoga practice. Like you I am starting small. I add a minute to the elliptical every day. I’m up to 10 minutes right now!!! My goal is to hit 30. Good luck on your weight training!