Written By: Vanessa Holwell

When unemployment goes up, the job market gets fierce. It’s a natural progression – not only are there fewer openings, but there are more people competing for the jobs that are available. As a result, job seekers have to do everything in their power to ensure they stand from the pack.

One great move you can make is to join a professional network. Additionally, you should do your best to strengthen and market your skills so that companies know you’re a candidate worth investing in. Here are some tips to ensure you stand out in your job hunt.

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Stay Current

Don’t let your resume get stale between full-time jobs:

Review Your Personal Marketing

When you’re job hunting, you’re in the business of selling you.

  • Take a look at your resume – make sure it’s free of grammatical errors, and that it focuses on results rather than daily tasks.
  • You should also tweak your resume to suit the job you’re applying for, rather than send the same copy to every opportunity.
  • A personal website is a great addition to your professional marketing toolset.
  • Take time to write a solid, unique cover letter for any job you apply to – it has the power to make a big difference.


Job Hunt Wisely

A wide net feels useful, but it can backfire.

  • Don’t send half-baked applications to every opportunity you find – each application deserves real time and effort.
  • Take some time to research the company on review sites like Glassdoor to make sure you’re a good fit and catch any early red flags.
  • Remember that interviews go both ways: be sure to ask your interviewer revealing questions about the job and the company to get a sense for whether or not you actually want to work there.

Stay Organized in Your Search

Using a few digital tools will help you stay organized during your job hunt.

  • Use Microsoft Excel or a Google spreadsheet to keep track of the companies you’re interested in applying to. Along with information about the company and the role, add columns to help you track the date you sent your application, the response you got, and follow-up correspondence dates.
  • If you prefer something visual rather than a generic spreadsheet, build a Trello board to help you keep track of this information.


When you put your all into the job search, you don’t just increase your chances of getting an offer; you increase your chances of getting the right offer. Focus on keeping your skills relevant, marketing yourself well, and evaluating opportunities that come your way. Soon, you’ll find the position that moves your career in an exciting new direction.


Photo Credit: Unsplash